1936 - 1937 Mission Diary

The official diary of the Gould mission to Lhasa sent by the British government. Read more about the mission diary.

Wednesday, 14th October to Saturday, 17th October.

see photographs below

We have had no special engagements for the last few days and are setting down to wait until the Political situation takes some definite turn. The Tashi Lama has not yet reached Jyekundo some say he has turned back; the vexed question of the Chinese escort is of supreme importance, and meanwhile the Regent, and half the Cabinet, will be away from Lhasa for another month.

Author: Frederick Spencer Chapman [see handwritten annotations in Diary by Hugh Richardson in MS. Or. Richardson 2, Bodleian Libary, Department of Oriental Collections, University of Oxford]

Page Reference: Pt VIII p.1

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