Rechungphug monastery in the Yarlung valley

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2001. (Print)

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Key Information


Hugh E. Richardson


Hugh Richardson

Date of Photo



Yarlung Valley Region > Rechungphug

Accession number


Image Dimensions

60 x 60 mm

The Kagyupa (bka' brgyud pa) monastery of Rechungphug (ras chung phug) clinging to the hillside on different levels. This hillside separates the Yarlung (Yar klung) and Chonggye ('phyong rgyas)valleys. The main temple (dgon khang) building is in the centre of the image. It has a verandah and textile awning. The other buildings are monks' quarters and storage rooms.

Further Information

Photographic Process

Print silver

Date Acquired

Donated August 2001

Donated by

The executors of the estate of Hugh E. Richardson


Richardson's 1949 tour of the Yarlung and Chyongye valleys


‘High Peaks, Pure Earth’, Hugh Richardson, London, Serindia Publications, 1998 [view list of illustrations]

Other Information

Notes on print - 'Ras chun Phug' (in pencil) is written on the reverse of print in Richardson's hand and 'Velox' in an oval is printed in black. [KC 12/6/2006]

Manual Catalogues -

Manual Catalogues - Notes in negative index - Folio 56. 'RAS CHUNG PHU DGON PA' [KC 22/5/2006]

Manual Catalogues -

Manual Catalogues - Richardson's Handlist, Negative book '9' 'Drikhung, Chongye etc.' [nos] 56, 57 . Ras-chung phu is a Bka' rgyud pa monastery on a hillside in the Yarlung valley. See Mkhyen-brtse, p 127 note 265.' [KC 22/5/2006]

Manual Catalogues -

Manual Catalogues - [Hugh Richardson in conversation with Paddy Booz; see PRM Related Documents File] 'Ras chung Phu (Rechung), also Ras-chung-phug, in Yaarlung. A ayupa site, 12th-13th c. this is sited on the mountainside that separtates the Yarlung and Chongye ('Phyong-rgyas) valleys.' [KC 12/6/2006]

Research publication - H. E. Richardson, High Peaks, Pure Earth' , London, Serindia Publications, 1998, plate 68. "Ras-chung-phug." [KC 09/11/2006]

Other Information - History: Richardson discusses this site in
High Peaks, Pure Earth' London, Serindia Publications, 1998, p.
319. "The Bka'-brgyud-pa monastery of
Ras-chung-phug (1949) clings, at different levels, to the hillsides which separates the Yarlung and 'Phyong-rgyas valleys. It is built above the meditation cave of Ras-chung-pa, a close personal disciple of Mi-la-ras-pa. The cave was a rather shallow recess with images of Mi-la-ras-pa and Raas-chung-pa on the altar and a small mchod-rten in front. ... A many-armed Bde-mchog (Shamvara) resided in the dgon-khang . [KC 22/5/2006]

For Citation use:
The Tibet Album. "Rechungphug monastery in the Yarlung valley" 05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum. <>.

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