BMH.F.21.1 (Film negative)
Arthur Hopkinson
A. J. Hopkinson
1927 - 1928
112 x 85
Negative film nitrate
A. J. Hopkinson's Tour of Duty as British Trade Agent, Gyantse, 1927-28
In Negative - The negative is damaged in the lower left corner [MS 11/08/2006]
Manual Catalogues - [Caption in A. J. Hopkinson's negative album 'Tibet F']: 'A trader' [MS 04/05/2006]
Other Information - Description: [Extract from taped interview, Richard Blurton and Mrs Hopkinson] '21 - trader (possibly a Khamba), with in the background a woman with a spindle in her hand, with the wool wrapped round her wrist. Painted images under the eaves. Mani wall between the dzong (the outer walls of which can be seen in the background) and the town. In Gyantse' [MS 04/08/2006]
Other Information - Related Images: See BMH.F.22.1 for an image of the group surrounding this man [MS 12/08/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Khampa trader in front of mani wall, Gyantse"
05 Dec. 2006. The British Museum.
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