BMH.D.50.1 (Film negative)
Arthur Hopkinson
A. J. Hopkinson
June 30th 1927?
Captain Dean, Palkhor Chode officials
Gyantse > Dak Bungalow
85 x 115
Negative film nitrate
A. J. Hopkinson's Tour of Duty as British Trade Agent, Gyantse, 1927-28
In Negative - 'D-50' has been written down the right edge of the negative in black ink [MS 17/07/2006]
Manual Catalogues - [Caption in A. J. Hopkinson's negative album 'Tibet D']: 'Dean and 2 Palhkor Choide officials' [MS 17/07/2006]
Other Information - Dates: Hopkinson regularly received visitors at the dak bungalow in Gyantse and this photograph may, therefore, have been taken on any day. However, the general sequence of images in Hopkinson's Negative Album 'D' relate to mid-1927. Although his negatives do not follow a rigid chronological sequence, they do seem to relate to common periods of time, the images for which are then rearranged to some extent within the album. In his journal letter for June 30th 1927, Hopkinson referred to being visited by "two stewards, or Todamba , of the ‘Big Monastery’ " [Palkhor Chode] and this date is therefore suggested as the date upon which this image may have been taken. See A. J. Hopkinson Archive, OIOC British Library, Mss Eur D998/54, Journal Letters from Gyantse and Various Camps, 1927-28, commencing July 1st 1927, Gyantse, page 1 [MS 17/07/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Capt Dean and two Palkhor Chode officials"
05 Dec. 2006. The British Museum.
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