2001. (Film negative)
Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh Richardson
June-July 1939
Phunkhang Yabshi Kung, Phunkhang Yabshi Kung's son, Phunkhang Gyatso
Lhasa > Dekyi Lingka
55 x 57 mm
Negative film nitrate
Donated August 2001
The executors of the estate of Hugh E. Richardson
Hugh E. Richardson
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative album - '7' 'PEOPLE'
Manual Catalogues - Notes on negative index - Folio 17. 'Phunkang, 9, 7 [?sic]'
Other Information - Biography: See Luciano Petech, Aristocracy and Government in Tibet 1728-1959 , Serie Orientale Roma XLV, Roma: Is. M.E.O, 1973 p. 27 for a summary of Phunkhang Tashi Dorje's (b. 1888) main achievements. He was appointed a member of the council of ministers ( bka' blon ) in 1938 until his dismissal in 1946. He was a staunch supporter of the Reting Regent. He suffered from very bad eyesight. [KC 24/6/2006]
Other Information - Dates: This image relates to a group of 15 contact prints which all have the same batch development number, 516 printed in black ink upon them. In this group of images there is one picture with Capt. A. H. O O’Malley, who had taken up the post of Medical Officer in Gyantse in July 1938 [see McKay 1997 p.236] and who visited Lhasa in early June 1939. Also, some of the images are from a ceremony at Darpoling Monastery on the 15th Day of the 5th Month, which Richardson states he saw only once and which correlate with the year 1939. Many of the images were taken in and around Lhalu mansion [MS 19/12/2005]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Phunkhang Yabshi Kung and his son at a reception"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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