2001.35.7.1 (Print Black & White)
Evan Yorke Nepean
Evan Yorke Nepean
August 1st 1936
Sikkim > Changu Lake
90 x 58 mm
Print silver
Loaned August 2002
Judy Goldthorp
British Diplomatic Mission to Lhasa 1936-37
Lady Nepean
Notes on print/mount - '2-007; 2; Karo-la?' [KC 24/07/2006]
Other Information - Related Images: Caption for this image in Nepean's album (see Same Image As) - 'Changu Lake'. [MS 28/07/2006]
Other Information - Description: Entry in Mission Diary for August 1st 1936: "We made an early start at 5-30 am in the hope, which was fulfilled, of crossing the Nathu La before the usual rain started. Actually it remained dry the whole of the march. We reached the picturesque lake of Changu after 3 hours march and breakfasted in the bungalow there. This lake at a height of some 12,500 feet was stocked with trout some years ago by Colonel F M Bailey but although many were reported to have grown to a large size, they do not appear to have bred at all, and now since a year or two none have been seen and it is to be feared that they have died out" ['Lhasa Mission, 1936: Diary of Events', Part I p. 2, written by Neame] [MS 08/04/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Changu Lake"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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