2001.35.379.1 (Print Black & White)
Frederick Spencer Chapman
Evan Yorke Nepean
September 21st 1936
Reting Rinpoche, Norbhu Dhondup
Lhasa > Shide Drokhang
72 x 105 mm
Print silver
Loaned August 2002
Judy Goldthorp
British Diplomatic Mission to Lhasa 1936-37
Lady Nepean
CR.23 In publication
'Lhasa Mission 1936, Diary of Events', P. Neame, H. Richardson, F. S. Chapman, Government of India Political Department [Note: photographs for October 18th - November 4th 1936 are not included as their relationship to text is not detailed; see Mission Diary text for details of images] [see photos in publication]
'Lhasa Mission 1936, Diary of Events', P. Neame, H. Richardson, F. S. Chapman, Government of India Political Department [Note: photographs for October 18th - November 4th 1936 are not included as their relationship to text is not detailed; see Mission Diary text for details of images] [view list of illustrations]
Notes on print/mount: 'Regent'; [ink no:] 7; [pencil no:] CR/23; [blue no:] 52 [KC 15/08/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Caption in Chapman's hand-written list of negatives made whilst on the Mission to Lhasa, 1936-7 [See PRM Manuscripts Collection]: 'Ditto [Regent in front of microphone] semi close-up' [MS 15/08/2006]
Other Information - Related Images: Images prefixed with 'CR' comprise a group of negatives containing images of Nepean being carried from a boat, yaks at Mundu La, plants, Kusho Namdon La, Regent by microphone, Regent’s palace, large monk, Pargo Kaling, pagodas, Dr Morgan. The identifier ‘Mundu La’ has been written in at a later date, probably at the time of selection of images for the draft album as the name has been written in with the same blue crayon as that used to circle image numbers for the album. Spaces remain in the list where ‘Mundu’ has not been written down in the original cataloguing of the images. The photographs seems to have been taken on September 20th - 21st 1936 [MS 15/08/2006]
Other Information - Location: It is not clear whether this photograph was taken in Shide Drokhang or the Dekyi Lingka as Richardson states in the Mission Diary for this day merely that the party "lunched with the Regent" [['Lhasa Mission, 1936: Diary of Events', Part VI p. 4]. It was sometimes the case that officials would arrange parties for the Mission party at the Dekyi Lingka rather than at their own residences [MS 01/04/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Reting Regent using microphone"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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