2001.35.17.1 (Print Black & White)
Evan Yorke Nepean
Evan Yorke Nepean
August 4th 1936
Chumbi Valley Region > Lingmathang
90 x 58 mm
Print silver
Loaned August 2002
Judy Goldthorp
British Diplomatic Mission to Lhasa 1936-37
Lady Nepean
Notes on print/mount - '2-017; 32'. [KC 24/07/2006]
Other Information - Related Images: Caption for this image in Nepean's album (see Same Image As) - 'Lingma Thang'. [MS 24/07/2006]
Other Information - Description: Brigadier Neame described the Lingmathang plain in the official diary of the British Mission to Lhasa 1936-37 on 4th August 1936: "After an hour and a half's march alongside a raging cataract of a stream and up a gorge bounded by precipitous jungle and scrub covered hills rising to bare rock peaks, we passed a spur nearly blocking the valley and came to the remarkable plain of Lingma Thang, a couple of miles long and half a mile broad absolutely level where the stream meandered gently, having the aspect of a perfect dry fly trout stream. But alas only small local snow trout live here, and they would not look at Gould's fly" [Sir Basil Gould, head of the Mission and Political Officer in Sikkim attempted to fish at this point]. [MS 12/8/2005]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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