1999.23.2.42 (Print black & white)
H. Staunton ?
Harry Staunton
1940 - 1941 [June]
Lhasa > Lukhang
110 x 67 mm
Print gelatin silver
Donated 1999
Diana Hughes
H. Staunton
Diana Hughes
Notes on print/mount - On the reverse, "Velox" stamped in black ink and the number 619 stamped in red. [KC 21/10/2005]
Manual Catalogues - Richardson identifies this photograph as being the "Lukhang Tsongkha". [Hugh Richardson in conversation with Roger Croston, detailed in H. Staunton undated Related Documents File, PRM Manuscript Collections] [KC 21/10/2005]
Other Information - Setting: Hugh Richardson describes how officials are rowed across the Lukhang Lake as part of Saga Dawa celebrations in Ceremonies of the Lhasa Year [London: Serindia , 1993, p.86]: "From there [the Potala] they [high officials of the Kashag] walk down to the Lukhang, a small temple of the Naga deities in a little lake to the north of the Potala. They are rowed out to the temple in leather coracles to make their offerings,after which they repair to a tent among trees on a pleasant green bank by the lake for a rest and a prolonged lunch during which the Lugarpa, a party of dancers, dance and sing for them." and photograph p.89 [ibid.]. See also Tibet the Lost Civilization [Normanton, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1998, p.156] for colour photographs of this event and the caption, "Later the same day there is a beautiful and informal festival at the Dragon temple, on an island in a lake behind the Potala. There is a holiday atmosphere. Wine and food shops spring up, picnic parties are everywhere. The ministers preside over a small ceremony in the Temple. Afterwards they are rowed around the island in hide boats and they sink five treasures into the lake as a dedication to the gods." [KC 21/10/2005]
Notes on print/mount -"Velox" and the number 500 are stamped on the reverse of the print in black ink.
Manual Catalogues - [Hugh Richardson in conversation with Roger Croston, detailed in H. Staunton undated Related Documents File, PRM Manuscript Collections] "Lukhang Jonka ceremony. Coracles on the lake. See p. 156 of S. Normanton's book, "Tibet the Lost Civilization".
Research publication - Simon Normanton, Tibet, the Lost Civilisation, 1988, London: Hamish Hamilton, p.156, "Later that day there is a beautiful and informal festival at the Dragon Temple, on an island in a lake behind the Potala. There is a holiday atmosphere. Wine and food shops spring up, picnic parties are everywhere. The ministers preside over a small ceremony in the Temple. Afterwards they are rowed around the island in hide boats and they sink five treasures into the lake as a dedication to the gods."
Research publication - Hugh Richardson, Ceremonies of the Lhasa Year, 1993, London: Serindia, p.87-8. This ceremony took place on the 15th day of the 4th month: The Flower Offering at Gunthang ( Gung thang me tog mchod pa ). "When the Shappes have left, other officials are also rowed round the temple and after them large numbers of the general public who have been enjoying picnics by the lake, dressed in their best clothes, take to the boats and go round the temple with much singing and laughter." (p.89)
Other Information - Setting: F Spencer Chapman writes ( Lhasa: The Holy City , 1940, London: Readers Union Ltd, p.64) "The coracles are rectangular and made of yak-hide stretched over a framework of willow branches. Each boat is about 8 feet by 6 feet, and weighs 80 - 90 lb. During the crossing they get swept down nearly half a mile, so the boatmen lift the coracles onto their heads and walk up-stream again, afterwards propping the boats up on one oar to dry. They float very high out of the water and are absolutely unstreamlined." [KC 3/1/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Coracles on the Lukhang lake with gateway"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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