1998.285.220 (Glass negative)
Sir Charles Bell
Sir Charles Bell
April 15th 1921
Lhasa Area > Ganden
120 x 163 mm
Negative glass plate gelatin , Negative Half Plate
Donated 1983
St Antony's College, Oxford.
Sir Charles Bell's Mission to Lhasa 1920-21
Royal Central Asiatic Society
See H.192
Manual Catalogues - Bell's List of Illustrations entry: "[No. of chapter] XXXII to XXXIV. [Subject of Chapter] The Religion [Subject of Illustration] H.192 (cj) Ganden Monastery. This includes practically the whole monastery. Patches of snow in front, 15th April 1921. [Where placed - book page] I, 33. [Remarks] L.183 (D.L)"
Other Information - Related Images: Bell does not distinguish between 1998.285.219 and 1998.285.220 in his list of illustrations, and both may be referenced by the caption for H.192
Other Information - Setting: Bell went on a brief trip to Ganden monastery in April 1921. Extract from Bell's diary entry for 15th April 1921: "There was a snow storm at 4 am leaving an inch of snow in the valley and more on the surrounding hills. Kennedy was awakened by snow coming in on his face through the window. ... The road to Ganden is an excellent one, broad and well graded, having been made two years ago for the Dalai Lama's visit, instead of the old one which was much less direct. As we draw near the Ganden monastery, crossing two passes, 17,000 feet above our valley below, we pass a low hill on our left, round which runs a path. This is the Ling-khor or Sacred Way for the monks of the monastery. A few are circling it s we approach. ... Immediately on crossing our second low pass, we are among the buildings of the great monastery, which is thus screened from view in the direction of Lhasa, as dramatically as Lhasa is screened by the Potala and Chakpori from travellers from the south west. Ganden lies semi-circular, tier rising above tier, round the low hill to our left, facing the southern sun. A very picturesque situation, and as warm as may be at its elevation, 14,000 feet above sea level" [Vol X, pp.7-9]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Ganden Monastery"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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