1998.285.122 (Glass negative)
Sir Charles Bell or Rabden Lepcha
Sir Charles Bell
September 1920?
Doring Kusho, Doring Kusho's wife
Gyantse Region > Doring House
120 x 163 mm
Negative glass plate gelatin , Negative Half Plate
Donated 1983
St Antony's College, Oxford.
Copy Neg
Sir Charles Bell
Royal Central Asiatic Society
See H.106
Manual Catalogues - Bell's List of Illustrations entry for H.106: "[No. of chapter] XVI. [Subject of Chapter] The Aristocracy. [Subject of Illustration] H106 (r) The Dorings at Gyantse. Servants standing behind. [Remarks] L.76 [lantern slide 76]"
Other Information - Related Images: Bell does not distinguish between 1998.285.122 and 1998.285.123 in his List of Illustrations and both images may be referenced by the caption for H.106. 1998.285.123 appears to be the original image, 1998.285.122 being a re-photograph of this, which has cropped the borders and zoomed in slightly on the group [MS 20/5/2004]
Other Information - Dates: This photograph may have been taken during 1920 when Bell was in Gyantse waiting for approval of his proposed Mission to Lhasa. Kusho Doring seems slightly older in this image than in 1998.285.124 & 1998.285.125, which can be dated to c.1915 given the presence of Lady Cashie Bell in these photographs as we know that Lady Bell accompanied Sir Charles to Gyantse in that year [see notes for 1998.285.501]. [MS 22/9/2004]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Kusho Doring and wife"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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