1998.285.115.2 (Lantern Slide)
Rabden Lepcha?
Sir Charles Bell
April 17th 1921?
Ragashar Family
Lhasa > Ragashar House
81 x 81 mm
Lantern Slide
Donated 1983
St Antony's College, Oxford.
Sir Charles Bell's Mission to Lhasa 1920-21
Royal Central Asiatic Society
Manual Catalogues - Bell's List of Illustrations entry for H.102: "[No. of chapter] XVI. [Subject of Chapter] The Aristocracy. [Subject of Illustration] H102 (l) (left to Right) Rakashar, his brother, both seated. Rakashar's wife. Servants behind. [remarks] L.74 [Lantern slide 74] (Y in L)"
Technical Information - Bell does not distinguish in his List of Illustrations between H102a and H102b [1998.285.113 and 1998.285.115]. However, 1998.285.115 appears to be a re-photograph of a print from 1998.285.113, although zooming in and cropping the image to enhance the centrality of the figures. As a result, 1998.285.115 has a slightly more grainy texture. The lantern slide seems to have been made using this cropped negative image, which has then been projected through an enlarger [MS 23/8/2004]
Notes on print/mount - '23' has been written in black ink. This slide seems to have been used as slide 23 in the lecture 'A Year in Lhasa', which was first presented at the Royal Geographical Society on 3rd December 1923. The text, with a lesser number of images, was later published in The Geographical Journal of February 1924. Bell may also have presented this lecture on other occasions about which we have no information at present.[MS 23/8/2004]
Other Information - People: Bell's diary entry for 24th March 1921: "Palhese tells me that Rakashar is descended from another of the old kings before Song-tsen Gampo's time, known as 'Cha-pa', 'The Bird'. Both these families [Rakashar and Lha-gyal-ri] are believed to be descended in unbroken descent through the male lines from these earliest ancestors. The heads of the Lha-gyal-ri and Rakashar family are greeted by their tenants with obeisances accorded only to Lamas and they are looked on as Lamas. They do indeed marry, but so did the 'Religious Kings'. When a head of these families dies, a tomb is made encased in silver, just as those of the D[alai] L[ama]s are encased in gold. So says Palhese" [MS 1/6/2004]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Ragashar and his wife, with group"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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