1998.131.382.1 (Print black & white)
Frederick Spencer Chapman
Frederick Spencer Chapman
October 3rd 1936
Sonam Tobden, Rampa, Dapma Kusho
Lhasa > Dekyi Lingka
112 x 163
Print gelatin silver
Donated 1994
Faith Spencer Chapman
British Diplomatic Mission to Lhasa 1936-37
Frederick Spencer Chapman
C.6.14 [view film roll]
Notes on print/mount - 'F. S. Chapman has been written on the bottom of the back of the print in pencil. An indecipherable reference number can also be seen along the left hand edge. [MS 22/03/2006]
Manual Catalogues - Caption in Chapman's hand-written list of negatives made whilst on the Mission to Lhasa, 1936-7 [See PRM Manuscripts Collection]: 'Group of 8 4th and 5th R. [rank] officials in our garden'; PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 2: ‘36/4 - A group of young officials and secretaries. Fourth from left our lay guide, on right our monk guide’ [MS 22/03/2006]
Other Information - Related Images: It has been possible to identify this image as that referenced by Chapman's figure 'C.16.4' because this is visible in the copy of this image, 1998.131.382.2, on the back. Images prefixed with 'C.16' comprise a group of negatives containing images of Trimon and 4th/5th rank officials, Amir Khan and staff, Ringang, lunch party, Yellow Hat Monks, Potala views, Norbhu Lingka stables. They all seem to have been taken between October 1st - 3rd 1936 [MS 22/03/2006]
Other Information - Setting: Mission Diary for October 3rd: "Today we gave the last of our big lunch parties. The guests were officials below the fourth rank. They were as easy to entertain as all our earlier guests and it was an enjoyable afternoon but we were all relieved to see the end of a week of parties" ['Lhasa Mission, 1936: Diary of Events', Part VII p. 2, written by Hugh Richardson]. See Bodleian Library Hugh Richardson Archive MS. Or. Richardson 3 folio 42 for a fuller description of this event.
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"4th & 5th Ranking Officials, Dekyi Lingka"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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