1998.131.211 (Print black & white)
Frederick Spencer Chapman
Frederick Spencer Chapman
March 1937?
Gyantse (from Dzong)
147 x 228 mm
Print gelatin silver , Enlargement
Donated 1994
Faith Spencer Chapman
British Diplomatic Mission to Lhasa 1936-37?
Frederick Spencer Chapman
'Lhasa the Holy City', F. Spencer Chapman, London: Chatto and Windus, 1940 [view list of illustrations]
Notes on print/mount - The back of the print is covered in crop marks and the instruction to enlarge the image to 9 1/2" (240 cm). This indicates that the crop marks were not publication instructions and may relate to the production of the official Mission album. There is also a caption for the image, which has been partly erased, which reads "Gyantse town and monastery [illegible] from summit of the [erased]'. There is an instruction to crop the bottom edge of the image by 1/2". '6' has been written in pencil in the top left hand corner and '8 - 5 1/4' in red crayon down the right hand side of the print. The Chatto & Windus reference 'C&W41074/18' has also been written in pencil on the back. There is a reference number, which is similar to those used by Chapman for images taken whilst on the mission, but this has been erased and thus is it not possible to identify this image precisely [MS 28/1/2005]
Technical Information - This print was developed from what was originally a colour transparency [1998.157.23] [MS 07/04/2006]
Other Information - Dates: This photograph seems to have been taken during the winter as the fields are very barren, especially in comparison with the lush vegetation visible in 1998.131.210 taken from the same vantage point. This suggests that the image was taken on the return journey from Lhasa in February - March 1937. Chapman describes an earlier visit to the dzong to take photographs in the Mission Diary for August 15th 1936 and in his book Lhasa The Holy City [London: Chatto & Windus, 1938; reprint, London: Readers Union Ltd., 1940, pp.54-55]. [MS 28/1/2005]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Gyantse seen from dzong"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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