Regent’s procession at Shingdonka
A group of negatives containing images of a breakfast party at Tsarong’s house, paper making, yaks and dzo grazing, Kamba dancers, football, air telephoto image of Drepung monastery, birds (vultures and lammergeyers), Regents procession at Shingdongka and winnowing
Regent’s baggage at Skingdonka
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 3: ‘14/1 - The Regent returns from a visit to Retung [Reting] MOnastery. His baggage comes ahead of him. The roadsides are lined with stones at Shing-donka village’
November 23rd 1936
1/4 Plate
A group of negatives containing images of a photograph of the 13th Dalai Lama, Pendong, the mission hospital group, the Regent’s departure, 5 Kamba beggars, the Ngagchen Rimpoche, Taring Rimpoche
Regent departing in boat
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 3: ‘13/5 - The Regent in yakhide coracle. In the one immediately behind him are the Four shap-pes (Cabinet Ministers)’
A group of negatives containing images of wireless, chang girls broadcasting, lunch party with Dagg, Chapman, Gyaltsen, Rupon, kitchen tent at Regent’s departure and picnic