Image:DSC_1996.jpg (Photographer's Handlist Page) (page 158/456)
Cut at full [sun?] Chomolhari at dawn and party riding
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 1, From Gangtok to the Natu La August 1936: ‘10/1 - Our party leaving Phari for Gautsa in March 1937. Chomolhari (24,000) in background’
March 1937?
6x9 NegsJourney up and scenery
A group of negatives containing images of the route to Lhasa including Phari, Gautsa, Gyantse
Hut in woods poor
February - March 1937
6x9 Negs
A group of negatives containing images of the route to Lhasa including Phari, Gautsa, Gyantse
1/2 Party on track above Gautsa
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 1, From Gangtok to the Natu La August 1936: ‘6/3 - Main road from Lhasa to Yatung (March 1937). The gorge between the plateau and the fir woods’ // PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘Lis
6x9 Negs
A group of negatives containing images of the route to Lhasa including Phari, Gautsa, Gyantse
1/2 Phari Dzong from below and W.
PRM Manuscripts Collection: ‘List of Tibetan Prints and Negatives’ - Book 1, From Gangtok to the Natu La August 1936: ‘8/4 - Phari Dzong (fort)’
6x9 Negs
A group of negatives containing images of the route to Lhasa including Phari, Gautsa, Gyantse